hanseatic league meaning in Chinese
- Until the sixteenth century , the economic interests of the south and west diverged from those of the north where the hanseatic league operated
直到十六世纪,经济利益之南部和西部同其他的汉萨同盟运作的北部脱离。 - Riga became one of the most important members of the hanseatic league that controlled trade on the bustling baltic sea in the 14 and 15 centuries
在十四和十五世纪,里加成为控制熙熙攘攘的波罗的海海上贸易的汉萨同盟中最重要的成员之一。 - Bergen , a port lying in the southeast of the country , is crowded with brightly coloured houses , which belonged to german traders of the powerful hanseatic league
卑尔根,挪威东南港城,布满了许多颜色鲜艳的小房子,它们属于汉萨联盟的德国商人们。 - Bergen , a port lying in the southeast of the country , is crowded with brightly coloured houses , which belonged to german traders of the powerful hanseatic league
卑尔根,挪威东南港城,布满了许多颜色鲜艳的小房子,它们属于强大的汉萨联盟的德国商人们。 - Bergen , a port lying in the southwest of the country , is crowded with brightly colored houses , which belonged to german traders of the powerful hanseatic league